
to Nauders am Reschenpass

Whether by train, bus or car - here you will find all the travel information on how to easily get to the Tyrolean Oberland.

A few important things to keep in mind:

  1. For the protection of the environment, we recommend and ask you to use public transportation. If this is not possible for you, please consider the possibility of carpooling. We can also be very helpful and connect participants who offer or are looking for carpools. Just send an email to with the subject "green journey". 
  2. In Austria there is a freeway toll. Those who drive without a valid vignette have to pay high penalties. The vignettes are available at kiosks and gas stations. They are valid for 10 days, 2 months or for a whole year.
  3. The vignette obligation also applies in the Landeckertunnel (bypass via the Piller Höhe/Gachenblick possible or via the L76).
    In winter appropriate equipment is required, depending on the weather also snow chains.
  4. Attention - in Austria winter tires are mandatory from November 1 to April 15!
  5. Mandatory in Austria are also high-visibility vests - and for every passenger who leaves the car in case of breakdowns or accidents
Regionen Map Background

By train:

Simply arrive better - by train to Tyrol/Austria.
With 33 direct connections daily and countless easy transfer connections, the most beautiful destinations in Tyrol are really easy to reach from many places in Germany. Often faster than by car. The train brings you relaxed and safe to your destination. Already from 39,- Euro! Your own children under the age of 15 travel free of charge (entry on the ticket required).

Your destination station is Landeck-Zams. From there you can get to Nauders by post bus or cab.


By car: 

If you are coming from the north...
A7 Füssen/Garmisch - B 179 Fernpass - Imst A 12 - Landeck/Zams - Landeckter Tunnel B 180 - continue on the B 180 to Nauders.

If you are coming from the west
Bregenz A14- Arlberg (tunnel or pass) S16 - Landeck - Landeck tunnel B 180- Prutz - continue on the B 180 to Nauders

If you come from the east...
Vienna - A12 - Innsbruck - Landeck/Zams - Landeck tunnel - continue on the B 180 to Nauders

By plane

The nearest airport is located in the provincial capital of Innsbruck. International wings from all over the world land daily in the alpine capital.

Innsbruck airport is 108 km away from Nauders. Other airports are in Memmingen (197 km away) and the airport in Munich (240 km away). From the airport in Zurich you drive 263 km to Nauders.

Many hotels and accommodations also offer airport transfers to their guests. Ask for this when you make your booking.

Plan your individual trip to Nauders am Reschenpass

Noch Fragen?  Wenn nicht, dann buchen Sie doch gleich eine unserer gemütlichen Unterkünfte in der Region Kaunertal. Sollten Sie noch Wünsche oder Anregungen haben, dann nehmen Sie gerne mit uns Kontakt auf. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch und wünschen schöne Urlaubstage in der Naturpark- & Gletscherregion Kaunertal!